


The #1 pathway to leadership growth

Posted: June 21, 2023 | Categories: Customer service, Leadership, Networking, Sales, Self-Improvement

Throughout my nearly 50 year coaching career there is one question I ask that has generated the most productive leadership discussions.  Here it is:  “How many can think of a way to improve relationship and leadership growth that does not include improving our listening skills?”  From the responses I have received from this question, I can only conclude that improving our listening skills is the best single thing we can do to strengthen relationships.

Yesterday I attended a visitation to pay my respects to a very special mentor who passed away earlier this month.  His name was Joe.  The funeral home was packed.  In the memos, people talked about Joe’s caring and sense of humor.  Most importantly, there were many who commented on what a sincere, empathetic listener Joe was.  I remember when I talked to him he would focus on me and not get distracted.  There was no tension in his eyes, and I could easily see that he was listening to understand rather than respond.  It was such a great feeling.  When we can listen as well as Joe, we can make people feel good about themselves and build strong trust.

Now would you like to know how good a listener you are?  OK.  When was the last time you received a compliment for being a good listener?  Hmmm…